An 80s rock duo topped the field of talent at the The University of Queensland’s Gatton campus recently.
Boyd Watson and Mark Ellwood took the top spot playing Poison’s rock anthem Every Rose at UQ Gatton’s Got Talent, a campus talent show based on the popular television series.
“Mark and I have a deep love for everything rock n roll so when I got the call to do the event I immediately agreed and got onto Mark, he felt the same way,” Mr Watson said.
“It seemed like a pretty simple choice to do Poison's Every Rose, as we both knew it and most people have a soft spot for the song.”
“We got together an hour before the gig and played it three times. We were feeling pretty solid so we left it at that and the rest is history,” he said
Students and staff performed a range of acts at the venue in the central walkway – with a mix of musical theatre, classic rock, Indigenous music, country and a recent hit song.
Samantha Naday placed second, singing Divas Lament and third place went to David Innes and Katie Eales who performed Don’t You Want To Stay by Jason Aldean and Kelly Clarkson.
Judges were local MP for Lockyer, Ian Rickuss and UQ staff members Kaylene Pomerenke and Simon Scott.
The next UQ Gatton’s Got Talent will be held on September 12 and acts can include singing, dancing, juggling, magic, mime or more.
To register interest, contact Erin Pearl on (e.pearl@uq.edu.au, 07 5460 1229 or 0409 265 587).