High-achieving current and recent year 12 school-leavers are encouraged to apply for one of many Academic Scholarships being awarded by The University of Queensland in 2013.
Scholarships on offer include $6000 entry scholarships for the first year of study, UQ Excellence scholarships that provide $6000 per year for four years and the prestigious Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships valued at $12,000 per year for up to five years.
As well as high academic achievement, applicants are required to demonstrate outstanding leadership and/or community service achievements during their senior studies.
The Manager of the Undergraduate Scholarships Office, Adriana Jumelet, said that UQ’s scholarship program, first launched in 2009, had become increasingly competitive, attracting applications from all over Queensland and interstate.
“Although the scholarships are predominantly awarded to students achieving an OP1-3, students expecting to achieve better than an OP5 (or equivalent) are definitely encouraged to apply,” Ms Jumelet said.
“We notify successful applicants within a week of their Year 12 results coming out, so they’ll know if they have a scholarship to come to UQ when QTAC offers come out in January.
“The scholarships are generally transferable between programs and can be deferred for a year for those students who want to take a year off before starting their university degree.”
2012 scholarship recipient Amy Norman was awarded a UQ Vice-Chancellor’s scholarship early this year to study a Bachelor of Engineering at UQ.
“Receiving this scholarship has made my first year at university such a fantastic experience,” Amy said.
“Moving from Toowoomba and being the first person to go to University in my family, the scholarship has really helped alleviate the financial burden on both my parents and me, and made the transition a lot easier.”
Amy said the scholarship had allowed her to participate and enjoy the many facets of university life at UQ.
“It has allowed me to make the most of all the opportunities the university offers such as going to different careers functions and continuing my involvement in sport,” Amy said.
“I never dreamed I'd ever receive the Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship, but I applied anyway, and it has changed my life.”
Find out more information on UQ’s Academic Scholarship Program here.
Applications close 5pm, Wednesday 31 October 2012.