More than 30,000 University of Queensland students have completed an online academic integrity program, which raises awareness of academic misconduct and explains how to correctly cite information.
Project leader Dr Ann Peterson said the interactive scenarios were relevant to students across all disciplines, and could be completed anytime, anywhere.
“Many universities and workplaces have problems with plagiarism and collusion, and the consequences are serious,” Dr Peterson said.
“Often there are rules and policies in place, but students are unfamiliar with these.”
Dr Peterson and colleagues in UQ’s School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management began looking for an anti-plagiarism teaching tool in 2007.
“We searched for something that we could adapt and use for our purposes,” Dr Peterson said.
“It soon became obvious that we had to go it alone and create our own.
“This was very successful and, in 2011, our system was redeveloped and deployed university-wide.
Dr Peterson said the program had been integrated into the University’s policies and was compulsory for all students to complete.
“It shows a real commitment from the institution to deal with this issue,” Dr Peterson said.
In 2008, the tutorial received international recognition, and was awarded the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education President's Award and Small Project Award.
“It has universal appeal and relevance, and stands out from other products and approaches that are currently in use,” Dr Peterson said.
“Many international institutions are facing similar problems, and are beating a path to our door to gain access to the tutorial.”
Dr Peterson and her colleagues have been recognised with a UQ Award for Programs that Enhance Learning, presented on Monday, October 29.
The annual teaching awards are a highlight of Teaching and Learning Week, which celebrates excellence in teaching and learning. Teaching and Learning Week 2012 runs from 29 October - 2 November.
The project team included Dr Peterson, Associate Professor David Neil and Dr Lynda Petherick from the School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management; Associate Professor Clive Warren from the UQ Business School; Ms Deidre Seeto, Mr Dominic McGrath, Ms Shannon Johnston and Ms Elizabeth Hall from the Teaching and Educational Development Institute; Ms Sandy Williams from the Academic Services Division; and Mr Trevor Daniels from Osiris Software.
Media: Dr Peterson (07 3365 3979, a.peterson@uq.edu.au) or Penny Robinson at UQ Communications (07 3365 9723, penny.robinson@uq.edu.au)