The University of Queensland’s Indonesian Partnership awards have highlighted some of the many partnerships being forged to deliver stronger teaching and research collaborations across a range of fields.
Winners of the 2013 UQ-Indonesia Partnership Awards include new and established projects in agriculture, bioengineering, biotechnology, chemical engineering, nanotechnology, corporate sustainability, genomics, and political science.
UQ Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj said universities working together in global partnership could play a significant role in bringing nations and cultures closer together.
“The world is increasingly looking to universities to solve some of the major challenges of the 21st century, however we can only achieve this in partnership,” Professor Høj said.
“These research collaborations will contribute to solutions to significant regional and global issues, including addressing poverty in rural households and climate change affecting coral triangle reef systems.
“UQ is proud of its strong partnership with Indonesia, and these awards further demonstrate our long-term commitment to our Indonesian partners and alumni.”
The 2013 UQ Indonesian Partnership Award recipients are:
- Dr Yalun Arifin, Surya University
Partner: Dr Claudia Vickers, UQ Australian Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology.
- Dr Beben Benyamin, Queensland Brain Institute Complex Trait Genomics Group (CTGG)
Partner: Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology/Center for Biomedical Research (CEBIOR) Diponegoro University.
- Dr Anthony Halog, UQ School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management
Partner: Bogor Agricultural University/Surya Institute /Institute Technology Bandung / Institute Technology Surubaya.
- Mr Muhammad Khoirul Muqtafa, Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI)
Partner: Dr Lee Wilson, UQ Post-Doctoral Research Fellow.
- Dr Andrew Phillips, UQ School of Political Science and International Studies
Partner: Universitas Gadjah Mada.
- Dr Atien Priyanti, Indonesian Center for Animal Research & Development (ICARD)
Partner: UQ Associate Professor Rob Crambe.
- Mrs Tries Blandine Razak, UQ School of Biological Sciences
Partner: Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) / State University of Papua / World Wildlife Foundation Indonesia / Cendrawasih Bay National Park Authority.
- Ms Luluk Widyawati, Universitas Indonesia (UI):
Partner: Dr Martina Linnenluecke, UQ Business School.
The UQ-Indonesia Partnership Awards were established in 2010.
The Awards are open to UQ staff, staff from Indonesian partner institutions, and UQ-Indonesian alumni, and cover travel and living costs for reciprocal visits of up to 12 weeks.
The 2013 recipients are expected to take up their awards during the first semester in 2014.
More information about the 2013 UQ Indonesian Partnership Award recipients, including their activity can be found here.
For more information about the Award, please visit 2013 UQ Indonesian Partnership Award or view the UQIPA Flyer.
Media: Mr Darren Wise, UQ Global Engagement, d.wise@uq.edu.au, +61 7 3365 4746.