The Buddhist Vesak festival will be celebrated at The University of Queensland with a series of presentations on Tuesday (5 May).
UQ’s Multi-Faith Chaplaincy will celebrate the most significant day of the Buddhist calendar with Buddhist Chaplain Venerable Wu Chin.
Talks on the life of Buddha, Buddhism and the Buddhist meditation tradition will take place from 11am-1.30pm at the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy (Building 38).
Chaplaincy Manager Andrea Colledge said Vesak celebrated the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha on the first full moon in May.
“Buddhism is practiced all over the world and we feel that this is a tremendous opportunity for UQ to join in and celebrate this auspicious holiday with our Buddhist friends from around the world,” she said.
“UQ is privileged to host many students who practice some variant of Buddhism.
“The Multi-Faith Chaplaincy hosts several Buddhist and meditation groups that welcome anyone who is interested in exploring the tradition.”
What: UQ Vesak Day celebrations.
11.15am - 11.45am: An outline of Buddhism
11.50am - 12.40pm: Introduction to the Life of Shakyamuni Buddha (10 mins Q&A)
12.40pm - 1.10pm: Benefits of meditation
1.10pm - 1.50pm: Vegetarian lunch
When: Tuesday, 5 May 2015
Where: Multi-Faith Chaplaincy, Building 38, St Lucia campus, from 11am to 1:30pm.
All are welcome and there will be vegetarian finger food for lunch.
RSVP to chaplaincy@uq.edu.au or find out more information here.
Media: UQ Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Manager Andrea Colledge, a.colledge@uq.edu.au, (07) 3365 7059.