UQ Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj said the smoke-free policy that came into effect across all UQ campuses yesterday was announced in September 2017.
It covers all forms of smoking, including electronic cigarettes and vapour pens.
“UQ is internationally recognised as a leader in health research, education and training, and we are committed to matching that level of excellence with best-practice policy and a healthy campus environment,” Professor Høj said.
“There is a growing body of evidence for smoke-free campuses, with research finding a link between smoke-free policies and reductions in campus smoking prevalence, second-hand smoke exposure and student perceptions of peer-smoking prevalence.
“The decision aligns with our responsibility and desire to provide healthy and vibrant campuses, and reflects evolving societal norms.”
Professor Høj said UQ’s decision was part of a state-wide push to make all Queensland higher education institutions smoke-free.
“A Queensland Government Parliamentary Committee Inquiry into smoking and the use of tobacco at universities, TAFE facilities and other registered training organisations concluded last year,” he said.
“Since then, the Queensland Government has been working with all universities and higher education institutions in Queensland to reduce the use of tobacco and related products on campuses, with a view to a transition to smoke-free campuses.
“UQ is proud to join the ranks of universities and TAFE institutions that have already introduced policies, and to provide our students, staff and visitors with a smoke-free environment.”
Staff and students who are considering quitting can access information on the UQ Wellness website.
Campus boundary maps are available here.
Media: UQ Wellness, Vicki McNabb, v.mcnabb@uq.edu.au, +61 7 3365 1516.