Internationally renowned drama expert, researcher and theatre-maker Dr Katalin Trencsényi has been named The University of Queensland’s Creative Fellow for 2019.
The Creative Fellowship, piloted in 2014, brings a playwright of global standing to UQ’s School of Communication and Arts each year to provide workshops and masterclasses for drama students and present a public lecture.
Dr Trencsènyi, from the UK, will be in Brisbane in March. She will speak about contemporary dramaturgy at events in Brisbane and Melbourne.
“This will be my first visit to Australia and I am thrilled to have an opportunity to engage with UQ researchers and lecturers, as well as gain an insight into the work and research of the drama department,” Dr Trencsènyi said.
“Knowing the organisers' investment in this Fellowship, I'm sure my stay in Brisbane will benefit all parties and inspire our investigations of contemporary theatre and its dramaturgies.”
Dr Trencsényi will lead a symposium on new dramaturgies with UQ drama lecturer Dr Bernadette Cochrane on 22 March.
They will share the podium with award-winning playwright Stephen Carleton and leading Australian dramaturg Kathryn Kelly.
Dr Cochrane said Dr Trencsényi’s expertise in multimodal playwriting and theatre-making forms was unmatched.
“Her wealth of experience ranges from working on festivals in Belgium, Poland and Russia; dance companies in the US, and theatre companies in Europe and North America.
Dr Trencsényi will explore micro-dramaturgy (the level of individual performance-making), and macro-dramaturgy (institutional processes) at a ‘Theatre-making: dramaturgy in the age of big-data’ event on 20 March.
Register here by 15 March.
Media: Dr Bernadette Cochrane, bernadette.cochrane@uq.edu.au, 0410 922 012, 3365 3216; Kristen Johnston (HASS Communications), k.johnston@uq.edu.au, 3346 1633, 0439 187 349.