The University of Queensland Academic Board President Professor Kaye Basford met Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing on 3 June.
Professor Basford was representing the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) at the annual meeting of the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences.
The meeting was held in conjunction with the International Conference on Engineering Science and Technology.
Professor Basford said she was impressed by the President’s keynote address which focused on China’s need for international cooperation in engineering and innovation.
“President Xi clearly articulated the very strong role that engineering must take in building China's future,” she said.
“The visionary plans that China has for its advancement mean that engineering and technology developments will be key drivers for the future progress and prosperity of China.”
Professor Basford said ATSE would continue to develop and promote its collaboration with China to address critical issues facing both countries.
“ATSE highly values its relationship with the Chinese Academy of Engineering,” she said.
Both academies have demonstrated a strong spirit of international collaboration through various joint workshops and exchanges.”
UQ has more than 30 ATSE Fellows, including Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj and Provost Professor Max Lu.
Several UQ researchers have received the prestigious ATSE Clunies Ross Award. They include Professor Ian Frazer, Professor Stuart Crozier and Professor Gideon Chitombo.
Professor Basford said her attendance at the meeting highlighted the importance of Australia’s and UQ’s relationship with China.
Education is one of Australia’s major export services to China, its largest export market;
UQ’s largest cohort of international students comes from China; and the greatest number of UQ’s international partnerships are with Chinese institutions.
These partnerships cover a range of activities from student exchange to research collaboration – including joint research laboratories – with various institutions, including Baosteel, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Fudan University.
UQ’s Confucius Institute at the St Lucia campus promotes Chinese language and culture and is the first in Australia with a focus on building collaborative relationships with China in the fields of science, engineering and technology.
President Xi will visit Brisbane in November this year for the G20 Leaders Summit.
Watch the TV news clip:
English: http://english.cntv.cn/2014/06/03/VIDE1401809400413680.shtml
Chinese: http://news.cntv.cn/2014/06/03/VIDE1401794112732686.shtml
Media: Professor Kaye Basford, +61 7 3365 1320, k.e.basford@uq.edu.au or Dr Jessica Gallagher, UQ International, +61 7 3346 7869, j.gallagher@uq.edu.au.