Presents and non-perishable food items have been gathering under the Christmas Tree at UQ Gatton to be delivered to people in need throughout the community.

23 December 2008

The University of Queensland’s Gatton campus is already looking forward to a productive 2009 after recently hosting the 21st South East Asian Regional Centre for Agriculture University Consortium (SEARCA-UC).

23 December 2008
Dr Emma Hutchison

Trauma may be the key to healing the world, according to UQ researcher and Shorncliffe local Dr Emma Hutchison.

23 December 2008

Finding new climate change and clean energy solutions was the focus when a group of chemists from The University of Queensland and National University of Singapore (NUS) converged for a two-day symposium last week.

22 December 2008

UQ archaeology experts have recently hosted a national conference and been singled out for their commitment to research and Indigenous engagement.

22 December 2008

UQ medical student Alan Huynh (St Lucia) has been recognised for his support of young people from all walks of life.

22 December 2008

A new exhibit featuring more fossils of the world’s first modern crocodilian, opened this week in Isisford, central-western Queensland.

22 December 2008

Mums and bubs will find a new resource at UQ in 2009, after the Queensland Government chose UQ researchers to lead an important new centre of excellence.

19 December 2008

UQ students from residential college International House recently facilitated a youth leadership camp for a group of refugee students from Milpera High School.

19 December 2008

A UQ PhD student exploring the possibilities of geothermal power has won a national award for his sustainable energy outlook for Australia.

18 December 2008

A University of Queensland journalism student has won a $10,000 scholarship for her reporting of rural news.

18 December 2008

Greater access to higher education and relief from skills shortages in the health sciences could be outcomes of an initiative being explored by The University of Queensland.

18 December 2008

Drug and alcohol problems and psychiatric disorders are more likely in women who have had an abortion or miscarriage, a University of Queensland study has found.

18 December 2008

The retirement of UQ Secretary and Registrar Dr Douglas Porter marks the “end of an epoch” for The University and Queensland, according to Chancellor, Sir Llew Edwards, AC.

17 December 2008

A new study has revealed the most commonly prescribed medication for Australian women is antidepressants.

16 December 2008

The first cohort of metallurgical engineering students to have participated in a new industry-supported initiative have graduated from The University of Queensland.

15 December 2008

University of Queensland graduates under the age of 25 and available for full-time work have again achieved outstanding employment rates.

15 December 2008

Tonight is the last official UQ graduation ceremony for UQ Secretary and Registrar Douglas Porter, who retires on January 28, 2009 after 22 years service.

15 December 2008

UQ research is uncovering the true cost of how baby turtles make their dash from hatching in the dunes to the relative safety of the ocean.

15 December 2008

Researchers from The University of Queensland have found hairy caterpillars are responsible for causing abortions in Australian mares.

15 December 2008