A man looks through tall grassy plant stalks in a room with pink lighting

Artificial intelligence could hold the key to feeding 10 billion people by 2050 in the face of climate change and rapidly evolving pests and pathogens according to researchers at The University of Queensland.

11 August 2023
An artist's impression of a Tasmanian tiger, a marsupial with a wolf-like face and body and brown fur with black stripes across its back

A University of Queensland study has found that, though they looked like wolves, the extinct Tasmanian tiger – or thylacine – had brain cells like other carnivorous marsupials.

1 August 2023

The University of Queensland has secured more than $9 million from the Australian Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Research program to support a more productive and sustainable agriculture sector in Australia.

31 July 2023
Researcher checking samples of bioplastics at Seaworld on the Gold Coast. Image, UQ

A major study in Southeast Queensland is testing how quickly biodegradable plastics break down in waterways, as researchers look for solutions to the world's growing plastics problem.

19 July 2023
A drone flying over a flock of birds floating in the ocean at a beach. Tree-covered hills are in the background.

The alarming impact of drones on one critically endangered shorebird species has been revealed in research led by The University of Queensland.

14 July 2023

The UQ Art Museum’s upcoming exhibition Mare Amoris | Sea of Love poses timely questions about the role of oceans in personal stories and cultural practices.

14 July 2023
a koala sleeps in the fork of a tree surrounded by bright green leaves

Financial payments made by land developers to offset their impacts on threatened species may fall short, according to University of Queensland-led research.

12 July 2023
A forest of tall gum trees

Research conducted by The University of Queensland revealed that Queensland native forestry, including timber harvesting, could actually help conserve biodiversity and mitigate climate risks.

7 July 2023

Exploding populations of wild pigs and macaque monkeys in Southeast Asia are threatening native forests and disease outbreaks in livestock and people, according to research led by The University of Queensland.

30 June 2023

The University of Queensland’s vision for a sustainable future will be at the centre of an international conversation as Brisbane hosts the 2023 World Mining Congress this week.

27 June 2023
A grey bottlenose dolphin reaching it's head above the surface of the water

University of Queensland researchers have found bottlenose dolphins in Moreton Bay off Brisbane could be teaching other dolphins to ‘beg’ for food from recreational fishers, with the behaviour creating short and long-term risks.

23 June 2023
A woman, who's face is out of focus, holds a mushroom head towards the camera

University of Queensland researchers are working with industry to develop biodegradable ‘plastic’ bags for use in mushroom farming, which could open lucrative opportunities in packaging and manufacturing.

9 June 2023
Green seedlings grow in soil in a black plastic tray, the photo is taken from above.

University of Queensland researchers have shown Australian tobacco plants could be used as ‘biofactories’ to manufacture medicines on a large scale.

1 June 2023
a whale breaching out of the ocean about to land on its back with a hilly coastline in the distance

A University of Queensland study has found humpback whales sing louder when the wind is noisy, but don’t have the same reaction to boat engines.

11 May 2023
A long train travels on a track with fields and open country either side of it.

UQ researchers have worked with industry to map how Australia could move towards decarbonising its heavy haulage rail network.

2 May 2023