• Backs of an audience in a dark conference room facing the stage.

    Queensland the home of Quantum

    Growing Australia’s quantum ecosystem will be the focus when hundreds of delegates from government, industry and research converge in Brisbane next year.

    19 November 2024
  • Career possibilities on show at UQ’s Gatton Open Day

    Prospective students can explore careers in agribusiness, agriculture and veterinary sciences at The University of Queensland’s Gatton campus Open Day on Sunday 20 August.

    11 August 2023
  • TEDxUQ celebrates a decade of inspiration

    TEDxUQ returns to The University of Queensland this month with a line-up of insightful speakers at its 2023 event, Small Ripples, Big Waves.

    8 August 2023
The UQ Collection Study Room is now open.

A new custom-built study room at The University of Queensland Art Museum will allow detailed examination of UQ’s extensive art collection.

20 April 2015

University of Queensland MBA students and alumni will launch the first MBA Business Symposium early next month, the only one of its kind in Australia.

14 April 2015

A rare disease discovered at The University of Queensland gave an Australian family a diagnosis for their son’s mystery illness, and is now the subject of a new book, Cracking the Code.

30 March 2015
The 3.275 megawatt array is built on a 10ha former airstrip

Sunshine is being turned into energy and knowledge at The University of Queensland’s Gatton campus, where the state’s largest solar array was switched on today.

27 March 2015
More than 350 private and government organisations will take part in the University of Queensland Careers Fair.

More than 350 private and government organisations will take part in the University of Queensland Careers Fair on Wednesday 25 March.

20 March 2015
William Barton has shown how traditional Aboriginal music enhances classical and other musical genres

Inspirational leaders in creative writing, music and television will work with Indigenous school students at a University of Queensland camp this month.

20 March 2015
Peter Hennessey ‘Parallel cartography (Glonass-K, RUS)’ 2014 aluminium composite panel 250 x 100 x 90 cm Collection of the artist. Reproduced courtesy of the artist, Tolarno Galleries, Melbourne, and GAGPROJECTS/Greenaway Art Gallery, Adelaide. Photo: Andrew Curtis

An exhibition surveying a decade of work by contemporary Australian artist Peter Hennessey will open at The University of Queensland Art Museum on 14 March.

5 March 2015
Students at last year's Market Day at the UQ St Lucia campus

The University of Queensland opens its doors to more than 12,000 new students this week, with a host of Orientation Week activities across campuses at St Lucia, Gatton and Herston.

25 February 2015
300 students are expected to attend the event.

A group of 300 high-achieving students from years one to seven will attend a full day of intellectually stimulating workshops at The University of Queensland’s St Lucia Campus on Sunday 29 March.

20 February 2015
Students learn from a Taichi master’s demonstration during Chinese New Year celebrations

A Confucius classroom to promote Chinese language and culture will open at Innisfail’s Good Counsel College on Friday (20 February) thanks to a University of Queensland initiative.

19 February 2015
UQ Green Labs representative Simon Nevin of UQ's Centre for Advanced Imaging

University of Queensland staff have collectively prevented 77 tonnes of carbon emissions and saved $7600 in electricity costs during a three-week competition aimed at reducing energy consumption in laboratories.

22 January 2015

Former Australian Prime Minister Mr Bob Hawke will address an Asia Pacific Forum to be hosted by the University of Queensland on Monday (17 November).

13 November 2014
UQ’s Dr Radha Ivory will launch her book The Human Rights of Bad Guys in November.

The human rights of corrupt politicians, terrorists and organised criminals are the topic of debate in a new book by University of Queensland academic Dr Radha Ivory.

30 October 2014
Since 1999, the Bundestag has had its seat at the Reichstag Building in Berlin

The President of the German Bundestag, Professor Norbert Lammert, will give a public address at The University of Queensland tonight.

27 October 2014
University of Queensland Press author Dr Nicholas Clements will launch his historical book The Black War in Brisbane this Thursday night (October 23).

University of Queensland Press author Dr Nicholas Clements will launch his historical book The Black War in Brisbane this Thursday night (October 23).

21 October 2014