A custom-built furnace that can heat materials to almost 3000 degrees Celsius has been installed at The University of Queensland to build components for Australia’s burgeoning space industry.
8 September 2023The UQ Art Museum’s upcoming exhibition Mare Amoris | Sea of Love poses timely questions about the role of oceans in personal stories and cultural practices.
14 July 2023Brisbane is set to become a hub for Paralympic sport with the announcement of a nationally-significant partnership between The University of Queensland and Paralympics Australia.
23 June 2023First Nations PhD candidate Emily Hall is combining her studies in high performance sport with an innovative exercise program co-designed with an Aboriginal community.
12 June 2023Queensland will become a major international hub for vaccine discovery and development with a global partnership formed in the United States today to help address the world’s critical health challenges.
7 June 2023University of Queensland researchers have shown Australian tobacco plants could be used as ‘biofactories’ to manufacture medicines on a large scale.
1 June 2023University of Queensland researchers have found African elephants use their acute sense of smell as a form of communication.
3 April 2023A University of Queensland-led study has shown that expanding global seaweed farming could go a long way to addressing the planet’s food security, biodiversity loss and climate change challenges.
27 January 2023Researchers at The University of Queensland have pioneered a simple, fast and effective technique to remove PFAS chemicals from water.
20 January 2023University of Queensland School of Architecture lecturer Dr Liz Brogden has been awarded a 2022 Churchill Fellowship to further her work pioneering climate action in the profession.
28 November 2022The University of Queensland will establish three Centres of Excellence to tackle major global challenges and opportunities.
4 November 2022Research co-led by UQ has found sharing real-time air quality readings in developing countries can reduce air pollution and lead to lower mortality rates.
25 October 2022Some of Asia’s largest animals, including tigers and elephants, are defying 12,000 years of extinction trends by thriving alongside humans, a University of Queensland-led study has revealed.
22 October 2022Scientists at The University of Queensland are developing a protein-based vaccine to protect Australia’s beef industry from lumpy skin disease (LSD).
7 October 2022It might not look like much, but this tool could improve the next generation of lasers - and with it, industries from telecommunications to car manufacturing.
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