Graduating student Ma’aola Saminatoto Milovale loane is set on a new mission – to expand opportunities for students in his homeland of Samoa.

11 December 2017

She was the face of The University of Queensland’s 2015 Create Change advertising campaign – but now avocado researcher Louisa Parkinson has proven her scientific mettle.

8 December 2017
Sarah Ayles

Sarah Ayles joins her fellow medical graduates this week as lifelong dreams and long hours become a reality.

20 July 2017
Anna John

University of Queensland graduate Anna John has supercharged an international legal career by learning a second language.

19 July 2017
Caitlin Hall on the left, with her classmates

University of Queensland Master of Dietetics Studies graduate Caitlin Hall has twice the reason to celebrate today.

18 July 2017
Claire Cunningham

When Claire Cunningham started her Master of Business Administration (MBA) at The University of Queensland, she had been living with profound congenital hearing loss in her left ear for 30 years.

18 July 2017
The gown was purchased from Pikes Menswear store

In 1960 June MacDonald finished her studies at St Mary’s College Ipswich and was heading off to university to continue her education.

14 July 2017
Tawal locals, Nepal

More than a year after the Gorkha earthquake killed nearly 9000 people in Nepal, two University of Queensland students visiting the region found destroyed classrooms and a health clinic replaced with a tent.

21 December 2016

Being confronted by the plight of child soldiers in the African country of Uganda is something Andrew Wilcox is unlikely to ever forget.

20 December 2016
Jamin and Brigitta Day and family

Kids weren’t really on the horizon when graduating University of Queensland PhD student Jamin Day first considered working with one of the world’s leading experts in family interventions.

13 December 2016
Nile de Jonge in UQ's Great Court

Trading in the flying trapeze for the lecture theatre has paid off for this Brisbane former circus performer.

9 December 2016

There’s a story behind every graduate’s long black gown at The University of Queensland this December.

7 December 2016
Hasan and Anastasios with a Tourigin tour group bound for Stradbroke Island (photos on jetty)

Tourists are coming face-to-face with Queensland’s Indigenous communities through a social enterprise started by two University of Queensland students.

21 July 2016
Instead of retiring, Denis Loaney went back to university.

After a successful career in business consultancy, Denis Loaney hung up his suit and tie - but rather than retiring, he went back to university to pursue his passion for art.

20 July 2016
Nabi Sahak graduated on Wednesday from UQ.

War survivor Nabi Sahak has a burning desire to change the world for the better, and he’s well on the way to doing so as he graduates with a University of Queensland Master of International Studies (Peace and Conflict Resolution) this week.

20 July 2016