Temporary bus stops and alternative routes will be in place during roadworks in Chancellors Place at the University of Queensland’s St Lucia Campus from 2 December to mid-January.
UQ’s Property and Facilities Glenn Vickery said bus stops would be located in Upland Road and Hawken Drive.
“The lower roundabout section at Chancellors Place will be repaired due to wear and tear from high traffic volumes,” Mr Vickery said.
He said access to the Chancellors Place roundabout, including Therapies Road, Slip Road, Keyhole Road and Mansfield Place, would be closed while the works took place.
This will mean there will be no car parking in Mansfield Place for the duration of the work.
“Bus stops A to E will also be closed,” Mr Vickery said.
The Translink ticketing machine will continue to operate in its existing location.
The Chancellors Place cab rank will be relocated to University Drive near the James and Mary Emelia Mayne Centre (Building 11).
Mr Vickery said the footpath on both sides of Chancellors Place wouldl remain open and pedestrian access would not be affected.
Signage had been installed to advise commuters and motorists of the changes.