Three people standing on a stage, one of them holding a trophy

A First Nations UQ academic is aiming to help address the under representation of Indigenous people in Australia’s pharmacy workforce.

31 October 2024
A man with greying hair and beard wearing a navy shirt stands with sandstone columns behind him.

An Aboriginal epidemiologist and a leading gynaecologic oncologist have been elected as Fellows of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences.

25 October 2024
Two Indigenous story books fanned out on a white desktop. One is titled Out in the Bush, the other is For Our Elders.

A project co-designed by community and UQ researchers has set a benchmark for how school curriculums can reflect Indigenous knowledge.

4 October 2024
A group of men and women stand side by side on stage with a slide behind them reading Indigenous Futures Centre.

The first Indigenous-led Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence, based at UQ, will work toward better outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

23 September 2024
a man in a white lab coat sits at a bench holding a container of small round green fruit

UQ research has confirmed antioxidant properties in an Australian bushfood used by Indigenous people for generations.

18 September 2024
Three people sitting at a table looking at book.

A children’s book which takes readers inside the life of termites, published with the help of a UQ linguist, has received a top literary award.

13 September 2024
An image showing a laptop screen over a person's shoulder, with an Indigenous Australian on the screen.

UQ is moving to protect Australia’s invaluable heritage of Indigenous languages with the development of a centralised digital archive.

8 August 2024
Silhouette of two people spear fishing

More culturally responsive diversion programs are needed to prevent the incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, according to University of Queensland research.

25 July 2024
a group of six people stand in a corridor with their arms around each other

Starting tertiary study can be daunting but three sets of Indigenous twins are chasing their dreams at UQ, inspired by programs they joined while at high school.

11 July 2024
Three carved statues in a glass case

Three sculptures carved by an Indigenous elder are on display together for the first time in 90 years at an exhibition at The University of Queensland Anthropology Museum.

27 May 2024
a close up of the hands of two people holding hands

UQ researchers have worked with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people to make a series of videos to address stigma and misinformation about sexually transmitted diseases.

7 May 2024
A person's hands show two open halves of a bunya nut, with a scattering of whole nuts on the bench in the foreground.

A culturally significant Australian nut dating back to Jurassic times could have a big future thanks to UQ-led research revealing its substantial health benefits.

22 April 2024
An outback Australian landscape of red earth and a blue sky with a mound of black sticks shaped in a dome in the foreground.

A University of Queensland-led research team says the key to a more sustainable food future may be a better understanding of ancient Indigenous food production systems.

10 November 2023
A tray filled with different coloured seeds and grains; a hand scooping a pile of round seed pods

A University of Queensland project is using technology to create a native food value chain to ensure Indigenous communities and businesses benefit from the thriving bushfood industry.

13 October 2023
An Indigenous basketball player wearing an Australian uniform holds a basketball and prepares to shoot. There is a teammate and a stadium crowd in the background.

UQ researchers have partnered with NBA champion Patty Mills’ not-for-profit organisation to boost sporting, educational and cultural pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young peoples.

6 October 2023