Students and staff who attended The University of Queensland Gatton Fiesta made the most of the all the activities on offer including live music, animal farm, free snow cones and a Mexican lunch.
Current clubs and societies were on show, giving the students the opportunity to sign up.
UQ Gatton student Fraser Brown said he thoroughly enjoyed the day.
"Gatton Fiesta provided a great opportunity to find out about the clubs and societies offered at the Gatton campus,” he said.
“At the same time it was a great way of bringing the community together, as we were guaranteed a great atmosphere with the wonderful live music, the adorable baby animals and the great range of delicious food.”
Clubs that took part in the day included Student Life, UQG Black Pigs Rugby Union, Student Wildlife Association of Gatton (SWAG) and many more.
The UQ Gatton Fiesta was sponsored by the UQ Union and the UQ Gatton Halls of Residence.
Gatton's next event is the UQ Gatton Walkway Markets, which will be held on October 18 from 10am – 2pm in the Central Walkway on the Gatton Campus.
Information: Erin Pearl on 07 5460 1229 or e.pearl@uq.edu.au