A female scientist in a blue lab coat sits at a computer beside a digital microscope scanning system.

Patients will receive faster and more accurate pathology results following a decade-long research project that is set to transform medical diagnosis.

21 July 2023
a grey and black dog in a blue jumper lies on a mattress

University of Queensland veterinary researchers are recruiting pet dogs diagnosed with cancer to test an experimental vaccine.

21 July 2023
A young African woman stands in graduation cap and gown and holding flowers outside UQ's sandstone Great Court.

Consulata Bilal graduates this week from UQ with a Bachelor of Science, after navigating the challenges of living with a debilitating disease.

14 July 2023
A drone flying over a flock of birds floating in the ocean at a beach. Tree-covered hills are in the background.

The alarming impact of drones on one critically endangered shorebird species has been revealed in research led by The University of Queensland.

14 July 2023
The asp caterpillar on a green leaf. Image, UQ

Researchers at The University of Queensland have discovered the venom of a notorious caterpillar has a surprising ancestry and could be key to the delivery of lifesaving drugs.

11 July 2023

Exploding populations of wild pigs and macaque monkeys in Southeast Asia are threatening native forests and disease outbreaks in livestock and people, according to research led by The University of Queensland.

30 June 2023
three people in safety glasses and white coats look at a glowing round yellow dish on a metal table

Researchers from The University of Queensland have made a dust from baker’s yeast that can detect COVID-19 and could safeguard communities against future pandemics.

26 June 2023
A grey bottlenose dolphin reaching it's head above the surface of the water

University of Queensland researchers have found bottlenose dolphins in Moreton Bay off Brisbane could be teaching other dolphins to ‘beg’ for food from recreational fishers, with the behaviour creating short and long-term risks.

23 June 2023
a grey ball covered in red blobs and yellow and red lines

Researchers have shed light on how a highly infectious virus, that has recently transferred from animals to people, is able to enter human cells.

22 June 2023
An observatory on a hill under a starry sky. The stars are forming curved lines across the sky.

Understanding the mysterious force behind the expanding universe is a step closer with the first tranche of data released from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI).

14 June 2023
A brightly coloured network of intersecting lines against a black background, some fusing where they meet.

Researchers at QBI have discovered viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 can cause brain cells to fuse, initiating malfunctions that lead to chronic neurological symptoms.

8 June 2023
Researcher standing in timber shearing shed with sheep in background. Image, UQ

Researchers at The University of Queensland are investigating ways to lift the low success rate of artificial insemination (AI) in sheep, which would improve wool and meat yields, sustainability, and enhance animal welfare.

8 June 2023
A black ant with yellow front legs and its head raised on a dry, brown leaf

University of Queensland researchers have shown for the first time that some of the world’s most painful ant stings target nerves, like snake and scorpion venom.

6 June 2023
Green seedlings grow in soil in a black plastic tray, the photo is taken from above.

University of Queensland researchers have shown Australian tobacco plants could be used as ‘biofactories’ to manufacture medicines on a large scale.

1 June 2023
a woman with dark hair wearing safety glasses sits in front of a white and black microscope

University of Queensland researchers have developed a nanoparticle to take a chemotherapy drug into fast growing, aggressive brain tumours.

31 May 2023